100+FPSC jobs For Secondary School Teachers

For aspiring teachers, the Federal Public Service Commission offers a wide range of teaching positions in FPSC jobs 2024. The Ministry of Defense has a position for a female secondary school teacher (SST) (BS-17). Currently, there are 102 positions available for qualified candidates. Permanent jobs are available. B.Ed. degree is required. M.A. Additionally, those who have an M.A. The age range is from 22 to 30 years, with an additional 5 years for general relaxation. Pakistan has every job available to ensure that all applicants have the chance to learn about a wide range of opportunities. The deadline for FPSC jobs is July 22, 2024.
FPSC Jobs Advertisement
Case No. | F.4-129/2024-R (7/2024) |
Vacancy Name | Secondary School Teacher (SST) (female) (BS-17) |
Job Nature | PERMANENT |
Institution | F.G Schools. Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantt/Garrison) Directorate, Ministry Of Defense |
Minimum Qualification | Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s degree with B.Ed. or equivalent qualification from a University recognized by HEC. OR M.A (Education)/ MA (EPM) from a University recognized by HEC. |
Age Limit | 22-30 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit |
Number of Vacancies | One Hundred & Two (102) FPSC jobs |
Domicile/Quota | Merit for FPSC jobs-Eight; Punjab Fifty One (Open Merit-Forty Nine & Minorities/Non-Muslims quota-Two), Sindh (Rural) (Open Merit)-Eleven, Sindh (Urban)-Eight (Open Merit Seven & Minorities/Non-Muslims quota-One), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Open Merit)-Eleven, Balochistan (Open Merit)-Six, EX-FATA (Open Merit)-Three, AJK-Three (Open Merit-Two & Minorities/Non-Muslims quota-One), GB (Open Merit)-One. |
Place of Posting | Anywhere in Pakistan |
Closing Date | 22.07.2024 |

Important Instructions for Submission of Applications for FPSC Jobs 2024
In all cases, the eligibility of the candidates shall be determined as per the Commission’s policy laid down in the General Instructions displayed on the FPSC’s website. Candidates are advised to go through the said general instructions to update themselves before applying for FPSC jobs.
FPSC jobs Procedures to apply

Application Fee FPSC jobs 2024
- The rate of fee for various posts is:- BS-16 to 17 = Rs. 300/-; BS 18- Rs. 750/-; BS-19 = Rs. 1200/-; BS-20 and above- Rs. 1500/-
- The fee may be deposited on or before the closing date in the nearest Government treasury or in a branch of National Bank of Pakistan or in a State treasury authorized to transact business on behalf of Government under head “C02101-ORGANS OF STATE EXAMINATION FEE REALIZED BY FPSC”. Bank draft / Cheque/Postal Order is not acceptable
- As stated in admission certificates, the supervisory staff may preserve and provide the original T.R. at the time of the test or examination at the center. A photocopy or bank scroll is not acceptable.
- It may not be sent to FPSC in advance, but it may be provided during a test or exam or when requested for FPSC jobs.
FPSC jobs Relaxation in the Upper Age Limit
Maximum age limit as prescribed under the Recruitment Rules shall be relaxed in pursuance of initial Appointment to Civil Posts (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit) Rules, 1993 (as amended from time to time) for FPSC jobs. The detail is given at para-6 of General Instructions available at FPSC’s website www.fpsc.gov.pk
Shortlisting criteria for FPSC jobs interview
The candidates will be shortlisted for FPSC jobs for interview as per policy of the Commission contained in para -16 (A, B & C) of General Instructions.
Documents required for FPSC jobs
After the test / exam, on the basis of results, the candidates who are on higher merit positions in respective quota would be asked to furnish the attested copies of requisite documents viz: two photographs, Matric, Intermediate certificates, Bachelor’s, Master’s, M.Phil, Ph.D. Degrees, CNIC, Experience Certificate (where required) showing nature of job / detailed job description issued by an authorized officer of the Ministry / Division / Department concerned, Domicile Certificate, Departmental Permission Certificate (in case of government servant) as well as Original TR (in non-test cases) etc. within 15 days of the Notice from FPSC by post, SMS and E-mail.
Wherever an equivalence of the required degree is to be claimed by a candidate, an equivalence certificate issued by HEC / relevant forum may be furnished to FPSC to authenticate the claim.
Experience from Firms / Companies / Institutions / Organizations / Banks / NGOs etc., will be accepted if these are well known nationally or internationally, have appropriately been registered / incorporated with concerned government department / institution for doing business, maintain office (s) and have proper registration number / Reference number, where applicable.
The candidates who fail to furnish the requisite documents within stipulated time or furnish incorrect/incomplete information, their candidature shall be liable to rejection. Therefore, they are advised to keep their documents ready for submission to FPSC by the due date.
From requisition of documents it should not be presumed that the candidate has been shortlisted for interview as his/her eligibility is to be determined in view of documents and merit position. Eligibility of the candidates in all respects shall be reckoned up to the closing date.

FPSC jobs Admission Certificate
Admission Certificate for Screening / Descriptive Test for the respective posts will be placed on the website of FPSC i.e. www.fpsc.gov.pk couple of weeks before the actual date of examination. Candidates are advised to frequently visit this website for the updates. They will be intimated through SMS as well. However, no information in this regard shall be sent through post.
Conduct of Test for FPSC jobs
- It will be mandatory for the candidates to bring original CNIC, Treasury Receipt and downloaded copy of Admission Certificate at the time of Screening / Written Test for FPSC jobs.
- Without original Treasury Receipt candidates would not be allowed entry in the Examination Hall. Photocopy of T.R/ Bank Scroll would not be accepted. Candidates are advised to preserve the original T.R so as to avoid any inconvenience at the time of entry in the Examination Halls.
- Test / Examination for Consolidated Advt. No. 7/2024 will be held as early as possible after closing date. Therefore candidates must visit FPSC Website frequently for test schedule for FPSC jobs
Change of Centre
Candidates are allowed to avail facility for change of Examination Centre, only through on-line request at least 1-Month before commencement of examination.
Closing Date for FPSC jobs
Closing Date for submission of applications for FPSC jobs is Monday, 22nd July, 2024.